Category Archives: Experiences

What It Was Like Last Time

There was an eclipse today. I did not go visit totality. I could have, but didn’t know whether I wanted to, so I let my husband choose for both of us, and he decided not to go. Instead we stayed … Continue reading

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Once Upon a Time

I was playing in the house one hot, sunny afternoon. My baby sister must have been there, too, though she doesn’t enter the memory until later. The addition on the back of the house was half-finished, a rough but still … Continue reading

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I have to tell you about me and Elisabeth. I have to tell you because while you might know me or you might know her, there is hardly anybody who knows both of us at all well. Therefore, you won’t … Continue reading

Posted in Experiences, Ideas and Musings, Tributes | 2 Comments

The Wreck of the Good Ship, Pivot

So I want to tell you about the whale. I’m not going to to talk about the craft of writing or any of my current projects, like I do for most of my posts here. It’s just that I saw … Continue reading

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So, there was an eclipse yesterday. And although I usually keep this blog pretty focused on my craft, there are so many people I want to tell my eclipse story to (I’m a writer: I write) that I’ve decided to … Continue reading

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